Single City Card Piran

At City transport Piran a card system with contactless Single City Card Piran is in use. Payment with the single city card is being used on buses of cit transport Piran.

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The smart cards is modern electronic payment system, which provides an easier, faster and more flexible use of public transportation. The new system is enabling passengers more users’ friendly city passenger transport services, and is at the same time providing a detail overview over the passengers flow and departures density, in order to provide easier planning of changes.

At City transport Piran passenger can use a free-of-charge change of buses within 30 minutes from the validation for the first bus travel, as well as the possibility of payment of services through the VALU mobile phone.

We ask the passengers to buy the tickets in advance. If at all possible, the passengers shall use contactless cards or application Arriva Piran to pay for the rides. It is not possible to buy tickets on the buses in Piran with cash, tickets can be payed with contactless bank cards.

Simply pay with your phone or credit cards on the bus. You can pay by Visa and Mastercard.

Download Arriva Piran app pay contactless with your smartphone for rides with Piran city buses.

Google play:

App store:

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T: 05 671 31 22


Single contactless smart cards are blue and will gradually replace bus ticket cards and the system currently applied in the Piran city passenger transport.

Enotna mestna kartica Piran
The VALUE CARD bears no name and is transferable. It will provide a free-of-charge change of buses within 30 minutes from the payment/validation for the first bus travel. The value smart card will be chargeable with up to EUR 50 credit.

The TIME CARD will replace the currently valid monthly tickets. It is issued to a specific holder and is not transferable. It enables an unlimited number of rides on all city bus routes. The monthly time card can only be obtained from the Lucija Bus Station selling point, Obala 114, where we will register the right of use for an individual type of monthly time card. When buying the time card for the first time, you will have to identify yourself with an ID document, but without any ID photo to be put on.

The time cards can be topped at the ticket vending machine and any other selling points, where the monthly validity of the card can be renewed for the next month after paying for the appropriate monthly ticket. In addition to a monthly ticket, the time card can be topped up with a credit (up to €50) which is then used in the same way as cash or for paying for other services that will be included in the single city card system. If you have a valid monthly ticket loaded on your time card, the system will register the monthly ticket and will not deduct the amount of fare. When the system detects that no valid monthly ticket is loaded on the card, it will automatically deduct the fare from the balance on the card.

The single city card is permanen.


The single city card may be kept in a hard or soft plastic wrap. When validatingthe card, it is not necessary to take out the card from the wrap, if the card is attached to a pendant or a strap, but in no case the card should be holed as it contains a chip with an antenna. The smart card may be kept in the wallet or purse without any fear to cause any discharge by a magnet or other type of damage to other bank or credit cards. It is recommended to take out the smart card prior validation in order that the validator will properly recognize it, if other no-contact smart card are kept beside it.

Loss or theft of a single city card must be immediately reported on the telephone no. 05 671 31 22 before going to our ticket selling point t the Lucija Bus Station, Obala 114. The costs of replacement of a lost or stolen smart card is EUR 10 (handling costs: EUR 7.5 and card: EUR 2.5).

Time card: an ID document will be required upon the issue of a new smart card. As all time cards are issued to the name, monthly bus fares  and other credit value may be refunded to the newly issued smart tme card (refund will be made only 48 hours after the loss or theft has been reported).

Value smart card: as the smart card holds no name, any credit existing before the loss or theft is non-refundable.

If you find a card, please return it to the Arriva Ticket Office (Lucija Bus Station at Obala 114, Lucija).


You can also buy value cards at ticket vending machines, which means that the single city card is available 24 hours a day.

The purchase procedure at a ticket vending machine is simple. A button “Nakup nove kartice" (Buy new card) appears at the bottom of the touch screen. The purchase procedure starts when you press the button. First select the method of payment (cash, bank or credit card, Moneta) and pay for the card. The price is the same as at other points of sale, i.e. €2.5. The ticket vending machine issues the card and the procedure is completed. If you buy a card with cash and insert more than €2.5 in the ticket vending machine, the machine instructs you to touch the card scanner with the new card so that the surplus amount can be credited to the card. The ticket vending machine guides the user through the procedure by voice and written instructions on the screen.


If you insert more money than required when paying for a monthly ticket at the ticket vending machine or buying a new single city card, the surplus amount is added to the selected card as a credit.

Depending on the type of card, you can use the credit to pay for a ride or a monthly ticket for the next month, to pay for a ride for another person or to pay for other services included in the single city card system (not included at the stage of implementation of the new system).

If you do not want to add credit to the card in this way, prepare the exact amount when buying a card or topping it up.


No ID document is required for the purchase of a VALUE single city card.

No ID photo is required for the purchase of a TRAVEL single city card. The right to use a monthly bus ticket is recorded on the travel card. Different rights require different ID documents.

  1. Student’s monthly time card (pupils/students)
    • Duly filled in, signed and stamped Certificate of Recorded Entry issued by a respective school or educational institution.
    • personal ID document or Index for adults
  2. Basic worker’s monthly time card
    • ID document

Passenger transport is free of charge for children up to 4 years.

You do not need to replace your time card, if your passenger’s status changes, only the right to another type of monthly ticket will have to be recorded on your card.


kartomatA ticket vending machine enables you to:

  • buy a new Single City Card;
  • top-up the value card with a credit amount;
  • top-up the time card with a monthly ticket and/or credit amount;
  • check the card balance and print it out.

The user interacts with a ticket vending machine via its touch screen. Buttons for selecting the procedures appear on the screen and the user touches them with their finger.

How do I pay at a ticket vending machine?

  • with banknotes of €5, €10, €20 and €50
  • with €1 and €2 coins
  • with cents (€0.05, €0.10, €0.20 and €0.50) not exceeding €10 in total (this restriction is due to technical limitations of the ticket vending machine)
  • with payment and credit cards: Diners, BA Maestro and MasterCard
  • using the Moneta mobile phone application.

The minimum amount of credit at a ticket vending machine is €1 and the maximum is €50.

Ticket vending machines do not return change

If you insert more money than required when paying for a monthly ticket at a ticket vending machine or buying a new single city card, the surplus amount is added to the selected card as a credit.

Depending on the type of card, you can use the credit to pay for a ride or a monthly ticket for the next month, to pay for a ride for another person or to pay for other services included in the single city card system.

If you do not want to add credit to the card in this way, prepare the exact amount when buying a card or topping it up.

Error in recording

If an error occurs while the ticket vending machine records the credit amount or monthly ticket on the card, please inform on the following number: 05 671 31 22, also specifying the ID number of your card, or write to



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.It is only possible to enter the bus through the entrance door. The ride must be paid immediately after entering the bus, by validating the card. There is one card reader (validator) on every bus – it is located next to door and is intended for paying for the ride and/or with a mobile phone.

To validate the card, the user touches the validator with their card, close to the image of a hand holding a card. The card must be validated upon every entry to a bus, even when switching buses. Free tickets must also be validated.

Validation of the value card

Upon validation, the system deducts the amount of a single fare from the credit balance. The deducted amount and the balance on the card appear on the screen. If you switch buses within 30 minutes, touch the validator with the value card and the system will only record the ride. The word PRESTOP (switch) appears on the validator screen. The card balance appears on the screen and no amount is deducted from the card.

Validation of the time card

Upon validation of the time card, the system will first check whether the card has been topped up with a valid monthly ticket. If it has, the system will choose this payment method and will not deduct any credit from the card. The monthly ticket on the single city card is valid from the first day of the current month up to the first day of the following month. If the system detects that the card is not loaded with a valid monthly ticket, it will deduct the applicable fare that also includes the 30-minute bus switching option.

If after the validation the card is again in contact with the validator on the same bus, the words ŽE VALIDIRANA (already validated) appear on the screen. The card balance is shown again.

Sound and light signals of the validator

  • GREEN TICK – successful validation is confirmed with a sound signal and a green tick in the upper-left corner. Both signals are also activated when switching buses and validating the card.
  • YELLOW BLINKING LIGHT – A yellow blinking light in the middle of the screen means that the system is functioning and is waiting for the validation.
  • RED CROSS – A small red cross flashes in the upper-right corner, accompanied by a sound signal, thus indicating that the card is invalid.
  • RED LIGHT – A red light in the middle indicates an error or system breakdown.

Paying for the rides of several passengers

The rides of several passengers are paid from the available credit on the value or timecard. Please tell the driver to select the desired number of tickets on a special terminal and then touch the validator with the card. The 30-minute bus switching period applies to all passengers travelling with you, but only if you travel together.

Free bus switching

To be able to switch buses free of charge you must validate your card each time you switch bus – within 30 minutes from the first validation. The ride on a bus you entered by switching buses can be longer than the 30-minute period and/or can last until the terminal station of the bus route.

Bus switching is considered to be any ride that takes place within 30 minutes after paying for the first ride.


The system also allows payments with mobile phones and app VALU. The information on application VALU and instructions for payments with app VALU are available at

This type of payment does not allow free-of-charge change of buses as well as the payment of travels for more than one person.

Call +386 41 440 880 for further information and instructions.


Control on the buses is regulated by the document Rules on Internal Control of Arriva Slovenia Group.

Obligation of a user or a passenger is to buy a bus ticket before entering the bus and to validate the same at the entry on the bus.

Bus fare payment is controlled at the entry on the bus by a bus driver or a controller of the concession provider Arriva Dolenjska in Primorska d.o.o.

Bus tickets and single city cards validity is controlled also during the bus ride. On request of an Arriva’s controller you will have to hand over the bus ticket or single city card for further electronic control of bus fare payment  and you will have to identify yourself with an ID document containing your personal photo. A passenger without a valid bus ticket or single city card will have to leave the bus upon the request of the Arriva’s controller. If a passenger travels without a valid ticket or single city card, or does not want to identify him/herself with an ID document containing a personal photo, the Arriva’s controller may seize his/her bus ticket or single city card.

Bus fare paid by a mobile phone is controlled by the  Arriva’s controllers in the manner that, upon request, a passenger has to call the phone no. 1899 and has to scan his/her mobile phone on the controller’s card reader, which will verify the payment; the correct payment will be displayed on the controller’s card reader. A passenger, who has not paid for the ride or refuses to undergo the payment control, will have to leave the bus on controller’s request. Any reference to malfunction of a mobile phone shall be deemed as non-payment of a bus ticket or single city card.

Users of time cards issued to the name have to identify themselves to the Arriva’s controller with an ID document containing their personal photo (ID card, passport, driving licence, bike licence, student’s ID Card).

A user or a passenger, who does not validate his ticket or single city card at the entrance, or does not want to cooperate with Arriva’s controller, or does not want to state his ticket or single city card ID , will be fined with a €40 fine.

The transporter will not refund the damage caused by the seized single city card containing a credit balance. Costs of re-issuance of the seized single city card shall arise to additional € 50.


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The Arriva Piran application for smartphones offers the user advantages as the value card EMK Piran. You can contactless pay for a ride on Piran city buses, use a free-of-charge change of buses within 30 minutes from the validation for the first bus travel and charge the card up to EUR 50 credit. In the application, you can also monitor your account balance and validation history, as well as the bus arrival schedule, plan a trip around the municipality and access valuable travel information.

Transfer of funds between the physical and virtual single city card in the Arriva Piran mobile app and the record of rights to use the monthly ticket is enabled at the sales point Arriva Piran Lucija.

For further information, please write to us at the following e-mail address or call us at the telephone number +386 (0)5 671 31 22.

Google play:

App store:

>> Terms of use  application Arriva Piran


Simply pay with credit cards on the bus. You can pay by Visa and Mastercard.