Map of city transport Piran lines
We ask the passengers to buy the tickets in advance. If at all possible, the passengers shall use contactless cards to pay for the rides. It is not possible to buy tickets on the buses in Piran with cash, tickets can be payed with Visa and MasterCard credit cards.
- Line 1.1.1 Piran AP-Beli Križ-Lucija AP-Lucija šola-Obrtna cona-Lucija Vojkova ulica-Piran AP (MON-FRI)
- Line 1.1.1 Piran AP-Beli Križ-Lucija AP-Lucija šola-Obrtna cona-Lucija Vojkova ulica-Piran AP (SAT)
- Line 1.1.1 Piran AP-Beli Križ-Lucija AP-Lucija šola-Obrtna cona-Lucija Vojkovo ulica-Piran AP (SUN, HOLIDAYS)
- Line 1.1.2 Piran-Portorož-Strunjan-Piran / Strunjan-Krka zdrav.-Strunjan
Timetables are valid from 1. 11. 2024 till 31. 3. 2025.
MESTNI PROMET (from 1. 4. 2025 on)
- Line 1.1.1 Piran AP-Beli Križ-Lucija AP-Lucija šola-Obrtna cona-Lucija Vojkova ulica-Piran AP (MON-FRI)
- Line 1.1.1 Piran AP-Beli Križ-Lucija AP-Lucija šola-Obrtna cona-Lucija Vojkova ulica-Piran AP (SAT)
- Line 1.1.1 Piran AP-Beli Križ-Lucija AP-Lucija šola-Obrtna cona-Lucija Vojkova ulica-Piran AP (SUN, HOLIDAYS)
- Line 1.1.2 Piran-Portorož-Strunjan-Piran / Strunjan-Krka zdrav.-Strunjan
Timetables are valid from 1. 4. 2025 till 24. 6. 2025.
Additional information you can get at bus station Lucija (phone: +386 5/671-3122) or at the web page of Municipality Piran: