Dear passengers please be informed that on Wednesday 28. 11. 2018 and every weekend (Friday Saturday , Sunday, holidays) till 13. 1. 2019, between 17.00 and 22.00 o'clock, due to Čudolandija public events the operation of city traffic Koper Lines 6, 7 and 8 will change. Bus stop Potniški terminal will be moved to the plato for passenger ships.

Changed operation of lines 6, 7 and 8 at City transport Koper

Dear passengers please be informed that on Wednesday 28. 11. 2018 and every weekend (Friday Saturday , Sunday, holidays) till 13. 1. 2019, between 17.00 and 22.00 o’clock, due to Čudolandija public events the operation of city traffic Koper Lines 6, 7 and 8 will change. Bus stop Potniški terminal will be moved to the plato for passenger ships.


  • Line 6 at departures from Markovec buses will drive from bus stop Zeleni park-Banka, along Ferrarska to the passenger terminal


  • Line 7 at departures from Kraljeva (Rozmanova) buses will drive till bus stop Zeleni park – Banka, along Ferrarska to the passenger terminal


  • Line 8 at departures from Olmo buses will drive till bus stop Banka I and along Ferrarska to the passenger terminal.



Thank you for your understanding.


We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.


Arriva Dolenjska in Primorska d.o.o.




Si avvisa la gentile clientela che da mercoledì 28.11.2018 ed ogni fine settimana (venerdì, sabato, domenica, festivo) sino al 13.1.2019, tra le ore 17.00 e le 22.00, verranno modificate le linee urbane n. 6, 7 e 8 di Capodistria per l’organizzazione dell’evento pubblico nell’ambito di Čudolandija.


La fermata dell’autobus Terminal passeggeri Potniški terminal verrà spostata sulla piattaforma per l’attracco delle navi passeggere. 


  • La linea 6 in partenza da Markovec viaggia sino ala fermata Zeleni park-Banka, procede sulla  Ferrarska sino al terminal passeggeri
  • La liena 7 in partenza da Kraljeva  (Rozmanova) viaggia sino alla fermata Zeleni park-Banka, procede sulla  Ferrarska sino al terminal passeggeri


  • La linea 8 in partenza da Olmo viaggia sino alla fermata Banca I, procede sulla Ferrarska sino al terminal passeggeri



Vi auguriamo un viaggio sicuro e piacevole.


Arriva Dolenjska in Primorska d.o.o.