Dear passengers please be informed that on Friday 16 November 2018, from 9.00 o'clock on (till approximately 2.00 o'clock on Saturday 17.11.) operating of some urban and suburban bus lines on the area of city Koper will be changed.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Change in bus operation of urban and suburban transport in the area of municipality Koper on 16. 11.

Dear passengers please be informed that on Friday 16 November 2018, from 9.00 o’clock on (till approximately 2.00 o’clock on Saturday 17.11.) operating of some urban and suburban bus lines on the area of city Koper will be changed.


City transport line 2 Koper-Markovec-Bolnica-Koper

  • Buses will drive from bus station Koper to bus stop Tržnica, continue on road Z.P.Godina, Ljubljanska and ring (high way) till bus stop Mandrač, from there the bus drives according to the valid timetable. At departures from Bolnica (Markovec) buses will drive till bus stop Pasarela, on the ring (high way), Ljubljanska and road ZP Godina till bus stop Zeleni park from where they will continue according to valid timetables to the main bus station.


City transport line 4 Šalara-Tržnica-Žusterna-Šalara

  • Buses will drive according the valid timetables from Partizanska till bus stop Pasarela, on the roundabout at Mandrač return over Tomšičeva to Ljubljanska road-Zeleni park-Tržnica. The bus will during the time of road closure drive on relation Tržnica-Žusterna-Tržnica. Departure from Tržnica towards Šalara will drive according the valid timetable and drive on road Z.P.Godina, Ljubljanska and Tomšičeva till bus stop Mandrač and continue according the valid timetable till Partizanska.


City transport line 5 and 6 (between 10.15 and 12.50 o’clock) Potniški t.-Brolo-Žusterna-Markovec-Potniški t.-Brolo

  • Buses will drive from square Brolo or from Potniški terminal till bus stop Tržnica, continue to drive on road Z.P.Godina, Ljubljanska, ring (high way) till bus stop Žusterna from where they will continue according the valid timetables. At departures from Markovec Center behind Grad buses drive till bus top Mandrač, continue on the ring (high way), Ljubljanska an road Z.P.Godina till bus stop Zeleni park and continue according valid timetables.


City transport line 7 Potniški t.-Markovec-Potniški t.


  • Buses will drive from Potniški terminal till bus stop Tržnica, continue on road Z.P.Godina, Ljubljanska, ring (high way) till bus stop Nova and continue according valid timetables (Markovec-Rozmanova) till bus stop Nova, continue on the ring (high way), Ljubljanska and road ZP Godina till bus stop Zreleni park-Potniški terminal.


Suburban line Koper-Piran-Koper

  • Bus will drive from bus station Koper till bus stop Tržnica, continue on road Z.P.Godina, Ljubljanska and ring (high way) till bus stop Izola Mehano and continue according to valid timetables. At departures from Piran (Izola) bus will drive till bus stop Izola, along the ring (high way), Ljubljanska and road ZP Godina till bus stop Zeleni park and continue according the valid timetable to the main bus station.

We apologise to passengers for potential delays. Additional information is available on phone numbers 662-5015 and 662-5103.


We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.


Arriva Dolenjska in Primorska d.o.o.