Koper Lazaret meja
Departure station: Koper
Arrival station: Lazaret meja
Daparture date: 23.06.2021
General timetables Print
05:21 05:21 DŠP 05:26 SO 06:26 06:26 DŠP 06:26 NEP
06:26 SO 08:40 08:40 DŠP 10:00 SONEP 10:25 10:25 DŠP
11:26 11:26 DŠP 11:30 SONEP 12:26 12:26 DŠP 13:25 SONEP
13:26 13:26 DŠP 14:26 14:26 DŠP 14:26 NEP 14:26 SO
15:26 15:26 DŠP 15:26 NEP 15:26 SO 16:26 16:26 DŠP
16:26 SONEP2 18:15 SONEP2 18:30 18:30 DŠP 19:11 SONEP2 19:30
19:30 DŠP 20:26 SONEP2 20:30 20:30 DŠP 21:26 SONEP2 22:10
22:10 DŠP
NEP Every Sunday and public holiday
SO Every Saturday
SONEP2 Saturday, Sunday and Feast from June 25 to August 31