Objectives of compliance are acting with integrity and prevention.
Arriva’s complex structure and international business operations mean that it needs a well-structured compliance organization.
Arriva sees compliance as risk management with a focus on prevention. Its aim as a fair, trustworthy business partner is to prevent potential infringements before they happen. Compliance is therefore an essential part of the Arrivas Group’s risk management system. Compliance activities focus on preventing corruption and other forms of white-collar crime.
Arriva Anti-Corruption Programme
Sustainable success can only be achieved if all employees and executives comply with the law in line with the company’s values. They shall not take any unjustifiable risks and shall live a value-based corporate culture that guides our actions in our daily work.
Standards in business conduct
Group Arriva is committed to comply with international and national law. Furthermore, the Group has defined Code of Conduct – ethical standards for business behavior that are anchored throughout the company.
Arriva’s Code of Conduct defines standards and expectations for day-to-day business activities of our employees and executives. Our managers act as role models in this respect.
Based on laws and Arriva’s Code of Conduct, clear agreements have been made and still are being made within the group Arriva and stand for ethical behavior in business in accordance with rules and other regulations. These internal stipulations provide guidance for employees and executives in all business transactions and customer contacts. Internal regulations define conduct in particular for the following situations:
- Benefits – Give and Take
Transparent guidelines on how to deal with benefits from third parties or gratuities from the company itself - Protecting assets
Guideline on protecting business and trade secrets as well as group Arriva assets - Cartel law / Price fixing
Information and guidelines for how to avoid competition-restricting agreements, price fixing and offers that restrict fair competition - Agents, brokers, consultants
Rules on both cooperation and selection
Business partners
Arriva is committed to sustainable and responsible conduct
Arriva’s Code of Conduct, Responsible Procurement Policy and Arriva Anti-Bribery Policy commit our suppliers and business partners to comply with ethical and legal standards. They form an important basis for our cooperative business dealings.
The Arriva Code of Conduct for Business Partners, Responsible Procurement Policy and Arriva Anti-Bribery Policy clearly formulate the expectations of Arriva: suppliers and business partners agree to comply with the requirements of the documents. For Arriva this represents a significant contribution for sustainable conduct in the supply chain.
Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners, Responsible Procurement Policy and Arriva Anti-Bribery Policy are based – among others – on the principles of the UN Global Compact and the same principles we have set in Arriva’s Corporate Principles Ethics – Code of Conduct for our managers and employees. It is addressed – worldwide – to all companies and individuals from whom we purchase goods or services.
- Code of Conduct for Business Partners
- Arriva Anti-Bribery Policy
- Human Rights, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
The Arriva group aims to act in an ethical manner in all business transactions and in compliance with statutory provisions.
However, it is possible for situations to occur in which information about suspected white collar crime needs to be reported. The goal of Arriva Group’s whistleblowing management is to protect the company from damage resulting from corruption, restrictive practices and fraud.
Arriva Group therefore offers various channels for employees, business partners and customers to submit reports about suspected infringements.
Reports are treated with strict confidentiality as well as anonymously on request.
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