We would like to inform you that ticket sales will be moved to Maribor Bus Station, Mlinska ulica 1 (MARPROM) from 1 August 2023. At thesame time, we are closing our selling point at Mlinski 28, Maribor.

Relocation of ticket sales and closure of the selling point Mlinska 28, Maribor

We would like to inform you that ticket sales will be moved to Maribor Bus Station, Mlinska ulica 1 (MARPROM) from 1 August 2023. At thesame time, we are closing our selling point at Mlinski 28, Maribor.

IJPP tickets can still be purchased online at https://ijpp.arriva.si/, while coupon ticket sales are currently available at selling points in Ptuj and Sl. Bistrica and Lovrenec in Pohorje.

Thank you for your trust.

Arriva d.o.o.