We would like to inform you that as of September 1, 2023, the timetable for urban and suburban (Piran-Sečovlje-Dragonja-Sv.Peter-Padna) transport in Piran will change.

On 1.9.2023 change of timetables at urban and suburban transport Piran

We would like to inform you that as of September 1, 2023, the timetable for urban and suburban (Piran-Sečovlje-Dragonja-Sv.Peter-Padna) transport in Piran will change.

TIMETABLES (valid from 1.9.203 on)

More information on changes are available at our selling point ar bus station Lucija (TPC), or over the phone 05 671-31-22.

We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.

Arriva Slovenia