Dear passengers please be informed that due to a road reconstruction a complete road closure was implemented between Sodinci 3 and Velika Nedelja 5a. The road closure will last from Tuesday, 27. 9. 2022 till Monday, 3. 10. 2022.

UP-DATE: Due to a detour bus stop V.Nedelja trg, Senešci and Sodinci temporary not operated

Dear passengers please be informed that due to a road reconstruction a complete road closure was implemented between Sodinci 3 and Velika Nedelja 5a. The road closure will last from Tuesday, 27. 9. 2022 till Monday, 3. 10. 2022.

Bus stops V.Nedelja trg, Senešci in Sodinci will not be operated. Passengers can enter end exit busses before the road closure (crossroads) at Sodinci.

The detour will be operated as defined bellow:

  1. Mihovci pri Vel. Nedelji-Trgovišče-Cvetkovci-Podgorci-Sodinci
  2. Mihovci pri Vel. Nedelji-Trgovišče-Cvetkovci via Podgorci, Bresnica

The detour will influence regular lines Ormož-Juršinci-Dornava-Ptuj, Sv.Tomaž-Bratonečice-Ormož and Ptuj-Dornava-Bresnica-Podgorci-Ormož (and vice versa).

Thank you for your understanding.

We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.

Arriva Slovenia