Dear passengers please be informed that due to closure of the connection Ragovo at crossroads with Levičnikova cesta bus stops Ragovo and Ragovska ulica will not be operated. The connection will be closed till 19. 6. 2019. Passengers can enter and exit the bus at bus stop Kandijski most.

City transport Novo mesto – till 19. 6. 2019 bus stops Ragovo and Ragovska ulica out of traffic

Dear passengers please be informed that due to closure of the connection Ragovo at crossroads with Levičnikova cesta bus stops Ragovo and Ragovska ulica will not be operated. The connection will be closed till 19. 6. 2019. Passengers can enter and exit the bus at bus stop Kandijski most.

Thank you for your understanding.

We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.

Arriva Sloveni