Dear passengers please be informed that due to the sport event I feel Slovenia Ironman 70.3 Slovenian Istra that will take place on 22. 9. 2019, operation of city and intercity bus transport on the area of Municipality Koper, Izola and Ankaran will change.
From 9.10 till 15.20 o’clock all buses of city transport Koper on 1 and 2 and on suburban lines Koper-Izola-Piran and Koper-Ankaran-Lazaret meja at departures from bus station Koper, buses will not drive by the shopping mall Park center and on Vojkovo nabrežje. During that time bus stops Supernova, Sveta Ana V.n. Luka and Kosovelov trg will not be operated.
Buses on mentioned lines will between 9.10 and 11.30 o’clock at departures from main bus station AP Koper drive along Kolodvorska and Ljubljanska till bus stops Banka I – Tržnica and continue according to the valid timetables. Both roundabouts at gate Muda and at Pristaniška/Piranska (except in direction Ukmarjev trg) are opened for traffic.
From 11.30 till 15.20 o’clock (both above mentioned bus stops will be closed) buses at departures from main bus station AP Koper will drive as follows:
- City transport Koper line 1 Kampel (Šalara): along Kolodvorska and Ljubljanska till bus stops Olmo K and continue according to valid timetables, at return drive from Kampel (Šalara) buses will drive till bus stops Lesnina and along Ferrarska till bus stop Supernova-AP Koper.
- City transport Koper line 2 Bolnica (Markovec): along Kolodvorska, Ljubljanska (with a stop at bus stop Lesnina) and along road cesta Z.P.Godina till bus stop Mandrač and continue according to the valid timetables. At return drives from Bolnica (Markovec) till bus stops Pasarela-po cesti Z.P.Godina and Ferrarska till bus stops Supernova-AP Koper.
- Intercity line Koper-Izola-Piran: along Kolodvorska, Ljubljanska (with a stop at bus stop Lesnina) and along road Z.P.Godina till bus stop Izola Mehano and continue according the valid timetables. At return drives from Piran (Izola) till bus stops Izola-po cesti Z.P.Godina and Ferrarska till bus stops Supernova-AP Koper.
- Suburban line Koper-Ankaran-Lazaret meja: along Kolodvorska and Ljubljanska till bus stop Bertoki ZAD and continue according the valid timetable, at return driver from Lazaret (Ankaran) buses will drive till bus stop Lesnina and along Ferrarska till bus stops Supernova-AP Koper.
During that time beside above mentioned bus stops also bus Banka (both), Lesnina, Stadion, Zeleni park and Tržnica will not be operated.
City transport line 4 will not driver between 9.00 and 15.20 o’clock, from 5.20 and 18.00 o’clock the bus will not drive on relation Tržnica-Žusterna-Zeleni park.
City transport line 5, 6, 7 in 8 buses will between 9.00 and 11.30 o’clock drive till bus Banka where will be the starting/ending point on the line, between 8.00 and 9.00 o’clock and between 15.20 and 19.00 o’clock departures/arrivals on lines 6, 7 and 8 will be from a supplementary bus stop at the plato for passenger ships.
From 11.30 o’clock on following line will drive on a changed route:
- City transport line 5 Trg Brolo-Markovec: between 30 and 15.20 o’clock the starting and ending point of the line will be at the main bus stop AP Koper. At departures from Koper buses will drive on Kolodvorska, Ljubljanska (with a stop at bus stop Lesnina), on road cesta Z.P.Godina and Vena Pilona (with a stop at bus stop Vena Pilona) till bus stop Markovec Center za Gradom (with a circle drive). At departures from Markovec Center za Gradom (after the performed circle drive) buses willdrive on road cesta Vena Pilona (with a stop at bus stop Nova K), road cesta ZP Godina and Ferrarska till bus stops Supernova-AP Koper. Between 15.20 and 18.00 o’clock buses will drive from bus stop trg Brolo till bus stop Tržnica and along road cesta Vena Pilona (with a stop at bus stop Vena Pilona) till bus stop Markovec Center za Gradom (with a circle drive). At departures from Markovec Center za Gradom (after performed circle drive) buses will drive on road cesta Vena Pilona (with a stop at bus stop Nova K) till bus stop Zeleni park and continue according to the valid timetable.
- City transport line 6 Potniški terminal-Markovec: between 30 and 15.20 o’clock the starting and ending point of the line will be at main bus station in. At departures from Koper buses will drive along Kolodvorska, Ljubljanska (with a stop at bus stop Lesnina), along road cesta Z.P.Godina and road cesta Vena Pilona (with a stop at bus stop Vena Pilona) till bus stop Markovec Center za Gradom (with a circle drive). At departures from Markovec Center za Gradom (after he circle drive) buses will drive on road cesta Vena Pilona (and stop at bus stop Nova K), road cesta ZP Godina and Ferrarska till bus stop Supernova-AP Koper. Between 15.20 and 18.00 o’clock buses will drive from the supplement bus stop Potniški terminal till bus stop Tržnica and along road cesta Vena Pilona (with a stop at bus stop Vena Pilona) till bus stop Markovec Center za Gradom (with a circle drive). At departures from Markovec Center za Gradom (after the circle drive) buses will drive along road cesta Vena Pilona (with a stop at bus stop Nova K) till bus stop Zeleni park-Banka till the supplement bus Potniški terminal. Between 18.00 and 19.00 o’clock buses will drive from the supplement bus Potniški terminal.
City transport line 7 Potniški t.-Markovec-Potniški t. between 11.30 and 15.20 o’clock the starting and end point of the line will be at main bus station Koper. At departures from Koper buses will drive along Kolodvorska, Ljubljanska (with a stop at bus stop Lesnina) and along road cesta Z.P.Godina till bus stop Nova and continue according the valid timetables (Markovec-Rozmanova) till bus stop Nova, along road cesta ZP Godina, Ferrarska till bus stops Supernova-AP Koper. Between 15.20 and 19.00 o’clock buses will drive from the supplement bus Potniški terminal.
City transport line 8 Potniški t.-Olmo-Potniški t. between 11.30 and 15.20 o’clock the starting and end point of the bus lines will be at main bus station Koper. At departures from Koper buses will drive along Kolodvorska, Ljubljanska till bus stop ul. 15. maja and continue according the valid timetables (Rozmanova-Olmo) till bus stop Lesnina, along Ferrarska till bus stop Supernova-AP Koper. Between 15.20 and 19.00 o’clock buses will drive till the supplement bus stop at Potniški terminal. Between 12.00 and 16.10 o’clock the line will not drive to ulica 15. maja. During that time beside already mentioned bus stop also the bus Ul. 15. maja will not be operated.
During the time of the sport event following bus stop will not be: Potniški terminal (buses will serve the supplement bus stop), Sv.Ana p.t., Sv.Ana V.n. (Koper Vojkovo nabrežje), Sv.Ana, trg Brolo, Kosovelov trg, Banka (in both directions), Stadion, Lesnina,Tržnica, Zeleni park, Žusterna (in both directions), Molet, Krožna K, Dolga Reber, Žusterna III (in both directions) and Beblerjeva K.
Line Koper-Ankaran-Lazaret meja-Koper
Between 9.10 and 11.15 o’clock the line will not operate due to closure of Jadranska cesta (the last departure from Lazaret at 7.00 o’clock, first departure from Koper will be after the traffic will run again normally, at 11.26 o’clock).
Between 12.15 and 17.30 o’clock buses will, due to the closure of Cankarjev drevored, be redirected to Prešernova cesta with usage of supplement bus stop at Osnovna šola Vojka Šmuc in direction towards Piran and at the pedestrian crossing at Livade in direction towards Koper.
During the changed traffic arrangement following bus stops will not be operated: Izola Mehano, Izola (in both directions) and Simonov zaliv (in both directions).
Additional information is available on the phone (05) 662-5103 and (05) 662-5102.
We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.
Arriva Slovenia