Dear passengers please be informed that during the time of school vacation (from 17. 2. till 21. 2. 2020) buses of group Arriva Slovenia will drive according to the school vacation regime (valid for regions gorenjska, goriška, notranjsko-kraška, osrednjeslovenska and zasavska).

Changed timetables during school vacation time

Dear passengers please be informed that during the time of school vacation (from 17. 2. till 21. 2. 2020) buses of group Arriva Slovenia will drive according to the school vacation regime (valid for regions gorenjska, goriška, notranjsko-kraška, osrednjeslovenska and zasavska).

REMARK! Departures marked with Š will not drive.

We kindly ask passengers to check connections in the online timetables search.

More information is available at

We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.

Arriva Slovenia