Dear passengers and customers please be informed that Government of the Republic of Slovenia has adopted a new Decree “Odlok o načinu izpolnjevanja pogoja prebolevnosti, cepljenja in testiranja za zajezitev širjenja okužb z virusom SARS-CoV-2” defined that from 15 September 2021 onwards the RVT rule must be met by:

PCT rule in public transport and other services

Dear passengers and customers please be informed that Government of the Republic of Slovenia has adopted a new Decree “Odlok o načinu izpolnjevanja pogoja prebolevnosti, cepljenja in testiranja za zajezitev širjenja okužb z virusom SARS-CoV-2” defined that from 15 September 2021 onwards the RVT rule must be met by:

  • all persons who are users of services or who participate in or are present in the performance of activities in the Republic of Slovenia.

This condition is also applies in public transport, when visiting our selling points and in business premises where we provide services to external clients.

We kindly ask you to comply with the valid RVT rules.

The RVT rule is met if a person provides one of the certificates listed below:

  1. a negative PCR test provided that no more than 72 hours have passed since the swab was taken, or a negative rapid antigen test provided that no more than 48 hours have passed since the swab was taken,
  2. EU Digital COVID Certificate in digital or paper format and with a QR code (EU DCC),
  3. a digital COVID certificate of a third country in digital or paper format and with a QR code, which must contain the same data as the EU DCC and be issued in English by a competent health authority of the third country (DCC of a third country),
  4. a certificate of COVID-19 vaccination to show that the person has received:

– the second dose of the Comirnaty vaccine produced by Biontech/Pfizer or the Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine produced by Moderna or the Sputnik V vaccine produced by Russia’s Gamaleya National Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology or the CoronaVac vaccine produced by Sinovac Biotech or the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Sinopharm or the Vaxzevria COVID-19 vaccine produced by AstraZeneca or the Covishield produced by the Serum Institute of India/or a combination of two previously listed vaccines;

– the dose of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine produced by Johnson and Johnson/Janssen-Cilag. Proof of vaccination is obtained as of the day of vaccination.

  1. a certificate of a positive PCR test result that is older than 10 days, unless a doctor determines otherwise, but not older than 180 days;
  2. proof of recovery from COVID-19 referred to in the preceding point and proof of vaccination against COVID-19 to show that the person has received one dose of a vaccine under indent one of point 4 within a period of no more than 180 days since receiving a positive PCR test result or from the onset of symptoms; The person is protected as of the day of vaccination.

For those with who travel, there are some things we can all do to help keep everyone safe.

  • Please travel only if you are HEALTHY.
  • Before, during and also after the travel Keep a REASONABLE DISTANCE from others, practise good HAND and COUGH HYGIENE.
  • You are mandated to wear a FACE MASK and to SANITIZE HANDS.

We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.

Arriva Slovenia
