Dear passengers please be informed that on 8. 4. 2023 at city transport Piran bus transport will not drive any more to/from bus stop Tartinijev trg.
Timetables, except drives to/from Tartinijev trg, will stay the same.
TIMETABLES (FROM 8. 4. 2023 ON):
- Line 1.1.1 Piran AP-Beli Križ-Lucija AP-Lucija šola-Obrtna cona-Lucija Vojkova ulica-Piran AP (MON-FRI)
- Line 1.1.1 Piran AP-Beli Križ-Lucija AP-Lucija šola-Obrtna cona-Lucija Vojkova ulica-Piran AP (SAT)
- Line 1.1.1 Piran AP-Beli Križ-Lucija AP-Lucija šola-Obrtna cona-Lucija Vojkova ulica-Piran AP (SUN, HOLIDAYS)
- Line 1.1.2 Piran-Portorož-Strunjan-Piran / Strunjan-Krka zdrav.-Strunjan
Information about changes are available at the bus station in Lucija (phone 05 – 671-3122).
We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.
Arriva Slovenia