Dear passengers please be informed that on 1. 12. 2022 additional bus departures will start to operate on relation Selnica ob Dravi-Ruše. Due to additional departures some existing departure times will slightly change.

On 1. 12. 2022 additional departures on relation Selnica ob Dravi-Ruše

Dear passengers please be informed that on 1. 12. 2022 additional bus departures will start to operate on relation Selnica ob Dravi-Ruše. Due to additional departures some existing departure times will slightly change.

Additional departures:

  • Selnica ob Dravi-Ruše GD – Selnica (8.00-8.11).
  • Ruše ŠC-Ruše GD-Selnica ob Dravi (7.11-7.20).
  • Selnica ob Dravi-Smolnik obračališče (7.20-7.30)
  • Smolnik obračališče-Jodl Činžat (7.35-7.43)
  • Extended drive from Smolnik obračališče till Kumen (13.19-13.29). Departure from Kumen towards Maribor at 13.30.

Existing time departures change:

  • relation Selnica ob Dravi-Sv.Duh na Ostrem Vrhu (7.00)
  • relation Sv.Duh Ostrem Vrhu-Selnica ob Dravi (7.30)
  • relation Selnica ob Dravi-Maribor (8.20)

We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.

Arriva Slovenia