Dear passengers please be informed that form 1st October 2019 on, the departure of bus at 5.50 Jesenice-AC-Ljubljana will be redirected over Globus and Planina in Kranj. 

From 1. 10. timetable will change – departure at 5.50 Jesenice-AC-Ljubljana

Dear passengers please be informed that form 1st October 2019 on, the departure of bus at 5.50 Jesenice-AC-Ljubljana will be redirected over Globus and Planina in Kranj. 

Changed timetables:

  departure time
Jesenice ŽP 05:50
Jesenice Gimnazija 05:51
Jesenice občina 05:51
Jesenice Senožeti 05:54
Slovenski Javornik K 05:55
Kranj Globus 06:27
Novi dom 06:32
Kranj Ručigajeva 06:34
Ljubljana Šentvid 06:52
Ljubljana Trata 06:54
Ljubljana Slov.avto 06:57
Kino Šiška 06:58
Ljubljana Tivoli 07:01
Ljubljana AP 07:05

The change is valid only during school time. The bus stops also on the in-between bus stops.

More information: 04/58 09 752,

Thank you for your understanding.

We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.

Arriva Slovenia