Dear passengers please be infrormed that on Sunday, 8. 9. 2019, due to the event 48. DNEVI NARODNIH NOŠ a COMPLETE ROAD CLOSURE of Ljubljanska cesta at Kamnik will be implemented (from elementary school OŠ Toma Brejca till Kersnikova ulica), from 14.00 till 15.30 o’clock.
Due to the complreete road clsure from 14.00 till 15.30 o’clock a detour of bus transport will be organised from bus station Kamnik, along Kamnik ring over the conncetion road to Ljubljanska cesta.
During that time following bus stops will not be operated:
- direction Kamnik-Ljubljana, at 14.01 Kamnik Metalka, at 14.02 Kamnik Svetilnik and at 14.04 Kamnik Mercator and at 14. 05 Bakovnik Lidl.
- direction Ljubljana-Kamnik, at 13.50 Bakovnik Pošta and Bakovnik Lidl, at 13.51 Kamnik Mercator, at 15:53 Kamnik Svetilnik and at 15.54 Kamnik Metalka.
Thank you for your understanding.
We wish youa safe and pleasant ride.
Arriva Slovenia