Dear passengers please be informed that due to a complete road closure in Kamna Gorica, that will be implemented on Friday, 21. 10. 2022, from 8.30 o’clock till Saturday, 22. 10. 2022, till 19.00 o’clock, bus transport operation will change.

Complete road closure KAMNA GORICA – changes in bus transport operation

Dear passengers please be informed that due to a complete road closure in Kamna Gorica, that will be implemented on Friday, 21. 10. 2022, from 8.30 o’clock till Saturday, 22. 10. 2022, till 19.00 o’clock, bus transport operation will change.

Departures till 8.30 o’clock will drive normally.

Departures direction Kamna Gorica II–Radovljica:

12.08-12.23 – drives normally

13.03-13.18 – drives normally

13.48-14.03 – drives normally

14.25-14.40 – drives normally


Departures direction Kamna Gorica I–Podnart:

11.24-11.40 drives normally

11.54-12.22 drives normally

12.29-12.45 – drives normally

13.04-13.08 – drives normally (direction KAMNA GORICA I – LIPNICA Š)

13.54-13.58 – drives normally



Departures direction Kamna Gorica II-Radovljica:

9.15-9.30 – drives FROM bus stop KAMNA GORICA I

10.45-11.00 – drives FROM bus stop KAMNA GORICA I

11.15-11.30 – turns at the bus stop KAMNA GORICA PR KOZJEK and continues over POSAVEC to RADOVLJICA

15.04-15.19 – turns at the bus stop KAMNA GORICA PR KOZJEK and continues over POSAVEC to RADOVLJICA

17.25-17.40 – drives FROM bus stop PODNART (17:10) over POSAVEC to RADOVLJICA

19.00-19.15 – drives FROM bus stop KAMNA GORICA I


Departures direction Kamna Gorica I-Kropa:

8.59-9.05 – drives TO bus stop KAMNA GORICA I

10.35-10.41 – drives TO bus stop KAMNA GORICA I

15.11-15.17 – drives TO bus stop KAMNA GORICA I

15.54-16.00 – drives TO bus stop KAMNA GORICA I

16.44-16.50 – drives from RADOVLJICA (departure16.30) over POSAVEC till KROPA

18.49-18.55 – drives TO bus stop KAMNA GORICA I

20.49-20.55 – drives from RADOVLJICA (departures 16.30) over POSAVEC till KROPA and continues till KRANJ

Thank you for your understanding.

We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.

Arriva Slovenia