Dear passengers,

Changed operation of the city line in Ptuj due to Kurentovanje 2025

Dear passengers,

We would like to inform you that on Saturday, 22. 2. 2025, Wednesday, 26. 2. 2025, Saturday, 1. 3. 2025, Sunday, 2. 3. 2025 and Monday, 3. 3. 2024, the city bus line in Ptuj will operate according to a changed timetable due to events as part of Kurentovanja 2025.

Municipal announcement:


Changes: Saturday 22. 2. 2025 “Opening ethno procession” from 09.00 to 13.30

Bus stops not in operation: Tržnica, Slovenski trg, OŠ Olge Meglič, Miheličeva galerija. Valid for departures at 09.00, 11.00, 12.00 and 13.00

The line will be redirected from the “Ptuj pod Gradom” stop directly to the “Zadružni trg – parkirišče” stop at the specified times.

Dear passengers,

Changes: Wednesday, 26. 2. 2025 “Day of Kurent and Korant groups from 16.30 to 23.00

Bus stops not in operation: Tržnica, Slovenski trg, OŠ Olge Meglič, Miheličeva galerija. Valid for departures at 16.30, 17.30, 19.30, 20.30.

Linija bo v navedenih časih preusmerjena iz postajališča “Ptuj pod Gradom” direktno na postajališče “Zadružni trg – parkirišče”.

Dear passengers,

Changes: Saturday, 1. 3. 2025 “Saturday Carnival Parade” from 11:00 to 12:00

Bus stops not in operation: Tržnica, Slovenski trg, OŠ Olge Meglič, Miheličeva galerija. Valid for departures at 11.00 and 12.00

The line will be redirected from the “Ptuj pod Gradom” stop directly to the “Zadružni trg – parkirišče”.

Dear passengers,

Changes: Sunday, 2. 3. 2025 “International Carnival Parade” from 11.00 to 16.00

Cancellation of departures to the old town center at 11:00, 12:00, 13:00 and 14:00

Dear passengers,

Changes: Monday, 3. 3. 2025 “Parade of kindergarten children” from 09.00 to 11.30

Bus stops not in operation: Tržnica, Slovenski trg, OŠ Olge Meglič, Miheličeva galerija. Valid for departures at 08.40, 09.30, 12.00.

The line will be diverted from the “Ptuj pod Gradom” stop directly to the “Zadružni trg – paerkirišče” stop at the specified times.

Dear passengers,

As delays may occure, we ask passengers to arrive at their desired bus stop on time. We apologize to all passengers for any inconvenience.

We wish you a safe and pleasant ride.
