We would like to inform you that, due to the construction works "Nad Dolinsko" and the complete closure of the connection road Dolinska cesta-pozidava Nad Dolinsko , from 8 April to 9 April 2024, the operation of city traffic line change:

Bus stop Nad Dolinsko temporarily not operated (8 and 9 April 2024)

We would like to inform you that, due to the construction works “Nad Dolinsko” and the complete closure of the connection road Dolinska cesta-pozidava Nad Dolinsko , from 8 April to 9 April 2024, the operation of city traffic line change:

  • Line 1 Koper-Kampel-Koper and
  • Line 3 Nad Dolinsko-Markovec-Bolnišnica.

Buses will not driver to bus stop bus stop Nad Dolinsko. The alternative stop is Mercator.

Any additional information can be obtained by calling 662-5105 and 662-5102 during office hours.

We wish you a safe and comfortable ride.

Arriva d.o.o.