Kranjska Gora Rateče Planica
Departure station: Kranjska Gora
Arrival station: Rateče Planica
Daparture date: 15.04.2019
General timetables Print
04:49 Š1 05:48 V 06:46 D*NEP 06:54 SO 07:28 D 07:57 Š
08:03 ŠP 08:28 V 09:28 V 10:28 D 11:28 V 12:30 D*NEP
13:18 D* 13:23 SO 13:46 NEP 14:28 V 14:43 D* 14:46 NEP
15:28 V 15:53 Š 16:28 NEP 16:28 ŠP 16:28 Š 17:28 SO
17:28 Š 17:28 ŠP1 18:28 V 19:28 D* 20:46 SO 20:58 ŠP
21:28 D* 22:43 D* 22:49 SO
D Workdays-Monday to Saturday
D* Workdays-Monday to Friday
D*NEP Workdays-Monday to Friday, Sundays and holidays
NEP Every Sunday and public holiday
SO Every Saturday
Š During school season-Monday to Friday from 1.9. to 24.6.
Š1 During school season-Monday to Friday from 1.9. to 24.6.
ŠP During school vacation-Monday to Friday from 24.6. to 31.8.
ŠP1 During school vacation-Monday to Friday from 24.6. to 31.8.
V Every day